Steve Chappell
Tech Details


Are your key engineers spending all their time supporting customers and the sales team instead of actually working on your product?

Need an engineer who knows how to sell?

Need a salesperson who's actually designed SOCs?

Well, I'm sorry to say that Steve Chappell, FAE/SE Extraordinaire, has now been hired. Of course, feel free to check back here often, as the market is unpredictable and who knows when I'll be back on the hunt. In the meantime, I may be able to refer you to other qualified AE's and SE's who are still looking for work, or are less happy in their current employment than I am. I'm not a recruiter (currently), so don't worry - all referrals are free for now. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.

I put the "sales" and the "engineering"
in Sales Engineering.

PO Box 19704
Stanford, CA 94309
Mobile: 408.202.9555

Silicon Forest has changed to
Lighthouse Design Automation.
Check us out at
I am now employed! Yea!
And the lucky company is
Silicon Forest Research.
Check us out at

Questions/comments/opportunities? Email me at:
©2003 Steve Chappell. All rights reserved.